Sample Diet for Putting on Size

Sunday, October 25, 2009

3 whole eggs
4 egg whites
2 packets Cream of Wheat
1 scoop whey protein
Pro = 60 Carb = 46 Fat = 16 Cal = 579

Morning Snack
8 oz. low fat cottage cheese
1 cup pineapple, sliced
12 whole wheat crackers
2 tbsp peanut butter
Pro = 41 Carb = 68 Fat = 26 Cal = 646

1 can white tuna in water
½ cup cottage cheese
2 cups salad
2 tbsp salad dressing
(oil and vinegar
Pro = 58 Carb = 11 Fat = 28 Cal = 489

Preworkout Snack
2 scoops whey protein
1 large apple
Pro = 40 Carb = 32 Fat = 0 Cal = 280

Postworkout Snack
3 scoops whey protein
3 slices white breat
2 tbsp jelly
Pro = 66 Carb = 70 Fat = 3 Cal = 465

Midday Snack
4 oz. roast beef (4slices)
½ avocado
4 slices low fat American cheese
1 tbsp light mayonnaise
Pro = 43 Carb = 13 Fat = 32 Cal = 514

8 oz. top sirloin
1 cup broccoli
2 cups salad
2 tbsp salad dressing
(oil and vinegar)
1 cup cooked brown rice
Pro = 58 Carb = 60 Fat = 26 Cal = 725

Totals Pro = 366 Carb = 254 Fat = 129 Cal = 3818

What is Tribulus Terrestris?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tribulus Terrestris is an herb that is used for multiple things such as dizziness, headaches, help calm the liver and kidneys, anti septic, mood enhancing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and mainly for treating sexual difficulties such as libido and infertility problems. Tribulus increases libido in men, increases the sperm count and their mobility, and prolonging erections.

The most popular reason why tribulus is so popular is due to its ability to increase testosterone levels. This happens by increasing the luteinizing hormone (LH) which is what triggers the body to start production of testosterone which has been giving an increase in muscle size, strength, and stamina. This has been especially beneficial for bodybuilders who are always looking for ways to increase testosterone levels.

Also should be noted that steroids reduce the production of testosterone and taking Tribulus helps keep the LH levels elevated which in turn will keep production of free traveling testosterone.

A side effect noted when taking Tribulus is an upset stomach. It is best to take this with a meal. Average safe doses to take range from 85-250mg three times daily. It also works best when you take DHEA with it.

What is nitric oxide (NO) products?

Nitric Oxide is a gas in the body that is created when enzymes break down the amino acid arginine. The N stands for nitrogen and the O stands for oxygen. NO is one atom of each. Nitric Oxide Synthase is the enzyme group that breaks down the arginine and converts it into citruline which causes the NO production.

Nitric oxide travels around in the body and acts as a neurotransmitter, an intracellular messenger, and a hormone. It is probably best known for its intracellular messenger functions within the bodybuilding community.

The way the intracellular messenger function works is to dilate blood vessels which allow more blood to flow and allowing more transfer of oxygen and nutrients into the cells thus allowing better growth, energy production, and maintenance. Blood is also a transport method for waste and bi products such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid. So as the blood vessels are dilated then more can be delivered to the cells and taken away from the cells as well resulting in faster recuperation.

Your body only produces a certain amount of NOS enzymes so if you take in large amounts of arginine then it may be too much for your body to utilize. You should take added Pycnogenol and ginsenosides (ginseng extract) as they will enhance the NOS enzymes for better efficiency.

What are Enzymes?

Friday, October 9, 2009

In short enzymes are proteins that break down food into useable nutrients as energy and fresh cell material. They help control the metabolic process by speeding up the chemical processes that would otherwise take a very long time if at all. Enzymes do this by bonding with substrates and converting into useable products at a rate of ten times per second. Without enzymes substrates chemical reactions are called reactants and can take hundreds of years to convert into a useable product if at all.

Digestive Enzymes are what break down the food into nutrients and waste. The enzymes responsible for this are ptyalin, pepsin, trypsin, lipase, protease, and amylase. Pepsin and trypsin break down proteins into amino acids, lipases break split fats into glycerol and fatty acids, and amylases break down starch into simple sugars.

Metabolic Enzymes are responsible for energy production and detoxification by speeding up the chemical processes within the cells. This allows us to feel, think, hear, see and move. These enzymes are produced in the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and other organs and all organs and tissues rely on these metabolic enzymes for their reaction and energy factors.

Here is why it is important to take supplemental enzymes. Raw foods contain enough enzymes to help with the breakdown of that particular food. An excess amount of enzymes are not able to be stored in the body for later use. When you cook food, as is most of the food that we eat, you destroy the enzymes within the food and have to rely on the body’s production of enzymes and chemical reactions to break down the food which may not be enough to fully break down the food into the adequate amount of nutrients needed for the body to function. The rest of the food builds up in the intestines which can cause other health problems later in life as it continually builds up.

This is why supplementation of enzymes is important so that they can aid in fully breaking down the food and utilizing all of the nutrients available. A supplement that I highly recommend is an all natural and organic product and it is called FLO and you can find it at on the home page or you can go to This product will fully break down the food and is an all natural product with zero synthetics. Full details of this product are available on the site I just mentioned.