What is Tribulus Terrestris?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tribulus Terrestris is an herb that is used for multiple things such as dizziness, headaches, help calm the liver and kidneys, anti septic, mood enhancing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and mainly for treating sexual difficulties such as libido and infertility problems. Tribulus increases libido in men, increases the sperm count and their mobility, and prolonging erections.

The most popular reason why tribulus is so popular is due to its ability to increase testosterone levels. This happens by increasing the luteinizing hormone (LH) which is what triggers the body to start production of testosterone which has been giving an increase in muscle size, strength, and stamina. This has been especially beneficial for bodybuilders who are always looking for ways to increase testosterone levels.

Also should be noted that steroids reduce the production of testosterone and taking Tribulus helps keep the LH levels elevated which in turn will keep production of free traveling testosterone.

A side effect noted when taking Tribulus is an upset stomach. It is best to take this with a meal. Average safe doses to take range from 85-250mg three times daily. It also works best when you take DHEA with it.